BOMA New York maintains an active advocacy program focused on local laws, codes, and regulations. We actively engage and work with the Mayor’s Office, the City Council, and City agencies such as the Department of Buildings to share our knowledge on matters related to commercial real estate and shape relevant policies.
Internally, we utilize our three active policy committees--Codes & Regulations/Governmental Affairs, Energy & Sustainability, and Preparedness—to track policy issues and provide advice on how to respond to City proposals. We also meet with personnel from agencies, the Mayor’s Office, and the Council regularly to discuss proposals and make recommendations.
BOMA New York staff participates on City task forces, codes working groups, and other such bodies. With approval and direction from the Board and its officers, BOMA New York staff members produce legislative testimony, comments on draft rules, and other official documents related to the formal policy-making processes.
But we don’t just do it alone! Externally, we work closely with other groups in the real estate, construction, environmental advocacy, and other sectors to build coalitions and extend our reach. These coalitions make us stronger and more effective at shaping policy.
The code-making process is an ongoing one, with building and energy codes constantly being updated on a 3-year cycle. We work closely with BOMA International to analyze and prioritize the massive number of proposed updates as they move through the process. Eventually, these codes get passed by the City, and for that process we work with our local partners and the City to give our input. What do these efforts mean? They mean that BOMA New York is in the room where decisions are being made that impact our members and our industry. We are heard, conferred with, and listened to by policy makers and stakeholders.